Risk Services Enquiry
Test HA
Thanks for your enquiry. This summary report details the responses given to the online Hettle Andrews Risk Services enquiry form, completed by
Test Webb , of
Test HA , on 6th July 2020.
Where the answer provided was ‘No’ or ‘Not Sure’ we have provided further information on what your obligations are in each relevant area and how Hettle Andrews Risk Services may be able to help. A representative from the Hettle Andrews Risk Services team will also be in contact with you shortly, to discuss these responses and any further risk management needs you may have. This service is provided free of charge and with no obligation to purchase any further services.
Further contact details are provided at the end of this report.
Question 1 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Do you have a health and safety policy in place, that has been reviewed within the past 12 months? |
| | |
Question 2 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Does your health and safety policy include an overview of responsibilities, as well as specific arrangements to manage different areas of risk? |
| | |
The requirement to develop a health and safety policy (under section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974) extends to include detail of the organisation and arrangements in place to ensure implementation of the policy (i.e. who is responsible for implementation, and how will each area of risk be managed). There are over 50 template policies within our Client Hub (available to Hettle Andrews ONE clients) covering all required elements (e.g. asbestos, manual handling, accident reporting, first aid), or we can provide support in drafting policies on your behalf. |
Question 3 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Do you have access to a 'competent person' or 'competent source of advice' with regards to health and safety legislation? |
| | |
Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires you to appoint one or more ‘competent persons’ to assist you in ensuring you comply with health and safety legislation, which can be a combination of internal staff and/or external consultants. Hettle Andrews ONE clients have the benefit of unlimited access to a team of health and safety consultants, all of whom hold at least a degree level qualification in occupational health and safety. |
Question 4 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Have you undertaken risk assessments for all hazardous equipment, activities, areas, or substances in use? |
| | |
Question 5 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Have you shared the findings of your risk assessments with your employees and ensured they understand them? |
| | |
Question 6 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Do you provide employees with a suitable level of health and safety information and training, so they can work safely? |
| | |
Section 2.(2)c. of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 requires that you provide employees with the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure their health and safety at work. This may include a basic safety and fire induction, informal on the job training, as well as training on specific topics; Hettle Andrews Risk Services can provide both online video-based training and on-site face to face training for your staff, on a range of health and safety topics. |
Question 7 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Do you have a schedule for the maintenance, servicing and (where applicable) statutory inspection of all premises and work equipment? |
| | |
Question 8 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Do you have a system for reporting all workplace accidents and injuries, and reporting RIDDOR incidents to the relevant enforcing authority (e.g. the HSE)? |
| | |
Question 9 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Have you completed a Fire Risk Assessment for every building that you occupy, or are in control of? |
| | |
Section 9 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires employers, or persons in control of premises, to make an assessment of the risks to relevant persons to identify general fire precautions to take. Hettle Andrews Risk Services has a team of highly qualified and competent fire risk assessors who can carry our fire risk assessments on your behalf, or simply review existing ones to ensure that the level of detail therein is suitable and sufficient, and adequately addresses the regulations within the relevant legislation. |
Question 10 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Do you have a fire evacuation plan in place for every building that you occupy, or are in control of? |
| | |
Question 11 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Have you developed a formal written critical incident and business continuity plan (BCP)? |
| | |
Organisations within certain industries are required to have a formal business continuity plan in place by virtue of legislation; e.g. The Charities (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 requiring trustees of charities give consideration to major risks such as governance/regulatory or financial/operational risks, or; as a result of insurer, regulator or supply chain demands to ensure that appropriate systems/procedures are established in order to manage such risks. Hettle Andrews Risk Services’ team can assist in developing new plans or reviewing and advising on improvements to existing plans, should you require support in this area. |
Question 12 |
Yes |
Not Sure |
No |
Does your 'business continuity plan' account for the financial cost of putting it into effect, and have you reviewed your business interruption insurances to ensure they will cover this amount? |
| | |
The best continuity plan in the world is of no use if the financial resources are not present to put it into effect; this is why it is essential to review, as part of the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) process, what liquid financial resources are available internally to the organisation, and how much will be required from insurance providers in terms of lost income and additional working expenses to support the implementation of your Continuity Plans. Hettle Andrews can provide as much or as little support in the planning process, as you require, including a free, no obligation, review of your existing Business Interruption Insurance arrangements, to advise on the programme that would best suit the nature of your organisation and the continuity risks you face. |
Hettle Andrews’ Risk Services team will be in touch with you shortly.
Please feel free to call/email with any other enquiries.
Tel: 0121 423 6213