On 30th September, Jon Hettle is competing in the Barcelona Ironman. This involves :
2.4mile sea swim
112 mile bike ride
26.2 mile run
All of which has to be completed in 15 hours and 40 minutes.
This is without taking into account the average 15 hours of training a week for many months now, to prepare for such a challenge.
He will be joined in the competition by his wife Liz and two best friends Martin (Digger) Davies and Nige Round.
The team are raising funds for the Hettle Andrews Charitible Trust which supports small local charities. They have a target of £2,500 which is giving them a great incentive for their arduous training and for the event itself.
We will be tweeting updates on Jon’s progress on the 30th. Good luck to all involved or Buena Suerte as the Spanish say